
Compliance and Ethics

Compliance and Ethics Concerns and Questions

The Office of Compliance and Ethics processes concerns raised by individuals who suspect a NDUS institution or employee has violated a law, regulation, policy or procedure, or has acted in an unethical manner. Every report received is reviewed by the Office of Compliance and Ethics. NDUS Employees are our greatest resource for identifying issues, improving compliance and preventing and detecting fraud.


Please choose one of the following options:

Concerned about a possible policy violation or ethical dilemma?

The NDUS Office of Compliance & Ethics provides an online reporting form for initiating reports of possible violations or ethical concerns. This form is sent directly to the Office for processing.

Do you suspect a possible violation of law, policy, or procedure?

The NDUS Fraud & Compliance Hotline is managed by Syntrio. The hotline is a 24-hour service for reporting violations of law, policy, or procedure. Reports can be anonymous, and are processed by the NDUS Office of Compliance & Ethics or by a designated campus official.

Call 1-833-210-3961 or click the button below to file an online report.


Looking for more compliance information or have a general question?

Use the direct compliance email for general questions about policies and procedures, compliance, or ethics; or requests for additional information or resources.





Resource links to NDUS policies and procedures: